Wednesday, November 16, 2016


A large number of people from across the world are depended on Licensed Education and Migration Service Providers when they apply for visa to Australia. These licensed service providers are also known as agents in some countries and/or consultants in other nations, depending on the culture of the country. Please remember that every agent and/or consultant cannot be called licensed. There is a vast difference which you need to understand. We can call them licensed service provider, licensed consultant or licensed agent; ONLY when they are authorized by the Australian Government or Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP). If any agent claims to be licensed by Government of Australia or DIBP, then verify their license number and investigate before you hire their services.

There are numerous fraudsters out there in the open internet market, willing to drag money out of your pocket, by falsifying information. Internet is an open market which is actually a mixture of good people and bad people from across the world. So, it’s very difficult to verify or identify the genuine person and/or company. Investigation in a proper way is the only best suggestion, for those who wish to hire Licensed Education and Migration Service Providers for their Australian Migration related requirements. Most of the service providers display their license numbers on their websites, which are allotted by the concerned Government Entity. You may contact with those license numbers to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) for verification. This would help you to protect yourself from possible frauds.

Have you ever thought why does anyone hire Education and Migration service providers, though there is enough information by respective governments on their websites? It’s because there is a huge difference between ‘understanding the theories’ and ‘implementation at ground level’. It’s quite possible that, whatever you read on some of the websites may be non-updated information i.e. not updated from several days. So, accordingly when you use that information while applying for a visa, your visa rejection chances increase. Second reason of hiring licensed services provider is because they know where to find what, because they have years of professional experience handling cases similar to yours. They are well trained, educated, experienced and skilled enough to solve the problems related to Immigration to Australia in minutes. They know how to deal with the complex cases or rejected cases in other words. They know who would be the right point of contact, to help their client’s application move ahead. They have lawyers in place to handle arbitration and dispute related issues.

It may be a complicated process if you apply by yourself, but it’s not difficult for the Education and Migration service providers. These licensed agents and/or licensed consultants would be able to easily help you out with your Student Visa, Business Visa, Visitor Visa, Entrepreneur Visa, Working Holiday Visa, Work Permit Visa and Investor Visa. It’s not a big deal for them to get the job done faster in comparison to what you would be able to do it yourself. Honestly speaking, that’s a bitter truth.

study in australia agents in New Zealand

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